Pana Weather

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Unsettled Weather 1/1/24

We have a few weather systems to keep an eye on over the next several days for us here in IL. The first system to watch looks to bring unsettled weather to the area over the weekend 1/5 through 1/7.

Ensemble models, which involve several runs of the same model, show a pretty consistent signal for a system to push south and east of the area. Temperatures at this time appear to stay above freezing for most of the precipitation, but there is a narrow window for some light accumulations over portions of Illinois. Pinpointing where this snow may fall is challenging at this time, but Southern Illinois seems to have the highest probability.

The next system looks to move through the area around the middle of next week. Looking at ensemble models once again, we can see that this one takes a more northerly route and tracks the center through the heart of Illinois. This is one to watch, but current indications are that we once again stay in the warmer air, and snowfall comes as the storm departs to the east, providing the best chance for accumulating snowfall on the backend of the system.

With both of these systems, it is something to watch for, but impacts look to be minimal at this time. With that being said, deterministic models, which are single model runs, have a few high-end solutions that could bring impacts to Illinois.

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